Electric Fencing Supplier/ Electric Gate Fitters Cambridge

7 Essential Tips for Maintaining Your Electric Gates

Electric gates not only enhance the security and convenience of your property but also add a touch of elegance. To ensure their longevity and optimal performance, regular maintenance is crucial. In this blog, we will provide you with seven essential tips for maintaining your electric gates. By following these guidelines, you can prolong the lifespan of your gates, prevent costly repairs, and enjoy seamless functionality for years to come.

Keep the Track and Rollers Clean

Regularly inspect the tracks and rollers of your electric gates and remove any debris, dirt, or leaves that may accumulate. Clean the tracks using a soft brush or cloth to prevent obstruction and ensure smooth gate movement. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the track’s surface or rollers.

Lubricate Moving Parts

To maintain smooth operation, lubricate the moving parts of your electric gates at least twice a year. Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the hinges, rollers, and pivot points. Lubrication reduces friction, prevents rust, and extends the lifespan of the gate components.

Inspect the Gates Structure

Perform visual inspections of the gates structure, including the frame, hinges, and bolts. Look for signs of rust, loose components, or damage. Tighten any loose bolts or screws and consider applying a protective coating or paint to prevent corrosion. If you notice significant structural issues, consult a professional for repairs or reinforcement.

Check the Gate Opener

Periodically inspect the gate opener for any signs of wear or damage. Check the batteries and replace them if necessary. Ensure that the safety features, such as the obstacle detection sensors, are working correctly. If you notice any issues or irregularities, contact a professional technician for repairs or adjustments.

Test Safety Features

Safety should be a top priority when maintaining your electric gates. Regularly test the safety features, such as the photocells or infrared sensors, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Place an obstruction in the gates path and verify that it stops or reverses upon detection. If the safety features are not working correctly, contact a technician for immediate attention.

Check the Gates Electrical Connections

Ensure the electrical connections of your electric gates are secure and free from damage. Inspect the wiring for any signs of fraying or exposed wires. Loose connections can lead to malfunctions or gate failure. If you are uncertain or notice any electrical issues, it is best to seek assistance from a qualified electrician or gate technician.

Regularly Test the Gates Operation

Regularly test the gates opening and closing operation to detect any abnormalities or inconsistencies. Observe for any unusual noises, slow movement, or misalignment. If you notice any irregularities, contact a professional technician to diagnose and address the issue promptly. Timely intervention can prevent further damage and costly repairs.

So, as we can see, by regularly inspecting, cleaning, lubricating and testing the various components will keep your gates operating smoothly for years to come. However, if you encounter any complex issues or require professional assistance, do not hesitate to consult a trusted gate technician, such as ourselves, who can provide expert guidance and support. With proper maintenance, your electric gates will continue to serve as a reliable and secure entrance to your property.

Design, Installation, and Maintenance: Ensec’s Expertise in Electric Gates

At Ensec, we take pride in providing comprehensive services for designing, installing, and maintaining electric gates for both commercial and private properties. With a wide range of styles and safety features available, our team of electric fencing suppliers are dedicated to meeting each customer’s unique design preferences and security requirements. 

We understand that every customer has their own vision when it comes to their electric gates. That’s why we offer a wide variety of styles to choose from, ensuring that the gates perfectly complement the property’s design while meeting safety standards. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern aesthetic, our team can guide you in selecting the most suitable style for your needs. Additionally, we provide options for manual and pedestrian gates to accommodate various access requirements.


Key Technological Features:

Anti-Sag Technology– To address the common issue of gate sagging, we have developed anti-sag technology. This feature can be installed on new or existing gates and includes adjustment options to keep the gate from sagging over time. By incorporating this technology, we ensure that your gates maintain their alignment, enhancing both their functionality and visual appeal.

Hinge Protection– Our innovative hinge protection technology is designed to enhance safety and aesthetics. By keeping the hinges tucked away behind a guard, we provide a clean finish while minimising the risk of hands or objects getting caught in the hinges. This feature adds an extra layer of safety, especially in high-traffic areas.

Anti-Drop Technology– To prevent gate dropping in the event of hinge failure, we incorporate anti-drop technology. This feature utilises thick steel cables that act as a fail-safe mechanism, ensuring that even if the hinges fail, the gate remains securely in place. Anti-drop technology provides peace of mind and reduces the risk of accidents or property damage.

Laser Safety Devices– Safety is paramount when it comes to electric gates. That’s why we integrate laser safety devices into our designs. These devices offer precise detection capabilities, enabling quicker reaction times and ensuring consistent and reliable gate operation. With laser safety devices, we prioritise the safety of both users and property.

To speak with our team of electric gate fitters in Cambridge, get in touch via our website or request a callout today.